Genesis Visible Touch — Cardiff Live

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Genesis Visible Touch

The Globe, Cardiff - 16/1/2020


Tribute bands are now a part of Live Music particularily when the original bands or Artists are not touring themselves creating a market for fans to get to hear the songs they love played live.

The professionalism and accuracy can vary dramatically as it is so difficult to get all the factors right to please the arden fans.

Genesis Visible Touch are one of the best at what they do in all aspects, Lighting, Sound and Graphics are all first class along with fantastic musicianship and attention to detail. In fact the multi talented Chris O’Connell is so beleivable as Phil Collins vocally and his mannerisms you instantly feel comfortable and drawn in to the illusion of this really being Genesis, with o’connell taking to the drums to recreate the two drummer sound you realise how talented he is.

I should mention the other musicians, Martin Gordon (Mike Rutherford) combining Double neck guitar with Bass pedals providing the basis of The Genesis sound with Stuart Norman Perfectly complementing on guitar providing perfect tones and measured playing. Tony Turrell on Keyboards really performs an accurate version of the classic keyboard sound coupled with Russell Wilson driving the the songs with perfect drumming.

Songs are of course from the Collins era and include Behind The Lines, Dukes Travels and Turn it on again from Duke, Dance on a volcano and Ripples from Trick of The Tail, Tonight, Tonight, Tonight and Invisible Touch from the album of the same name to name a few of the excellent versions.

The Lady Lies from And Then There Were Three showed the real dynamics of the band and of course Follow You Follow Me had the capacity crowd singing along.

Sometimes Tribute acts get a percentage of the feel of the original acts music and performance and that probably works for most, but when you are playing such musically complex parts and beautifully crafted songs you require not only great musicianship, but true empathy and love of the work. Genesis Visible Touch have that in abundance, please check them out next time, fan or not you won’t be disappointed.
