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Paul Gray Vodcast Episode 5 available tomorrow

Episode 5 The Future Of Music will be made available to listen tomorrow.

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Paul Gray has played bass with Eddie and the Hotrods, UFO, The Members, and most famously, perhaps, The Damned. A good friend of Captain Sensible, Paul has also done many sessions, working with many musicians, including Johnny Thunders and Andrew Ridgely!! He has lived the majority of his life, in Cardiff, was heavily involved with Community Music Wales for a good number of years, and is a very well-known figure, in and around the capital city. In this interview, we talk about Paul’s career, his love of Rickenbacker basses, favourite bass players, the state of the music business, and surviving so long, in it, despite significant hearing impairment. There’s a lot to get through, in this 8 part series…