Keep Calm and Read the Keep Cardiff Live blog


Hello and welcome to our new Keep Cardiff Live blog! 

This will be our new regular feature, helping you to start your week every Monday with a range of different topics. From music, to motivational tips, drink and food to fitness and wellbeing, mental health to opinion pieces and music memories. Post-pandemic this will hopefully expand to events around Cardiff and what’s going on in the city- we can only reminisce and dream for now…

These times have tested us- those breathing a sigh of relief for the end of home-schooling will know. But it has also unlocked passions for others. Kick starting a workout routine with Joe Wicks or mastering the perfect Sourdough, it’s given us time to lend a hand to things we may not normally have the chance to do. 

As we emerge from the longsome lockdown, there are some lessons that we may have learnt. Maybe learning the art of patience after having countless minutes lost to Zoom buffering, or the fact that we used to take seeing family and friends for granted and will now cherish those moments. The simplest of things such as coffee with a friend will turn into treasured moments with loved ones.

We know that life can be tough at the moment, with ever changing restrictions and rules guiding our lives every day, but there is hope and ways to help how we’re feeling. Whether you lose yourself playing an instrument or find whipping up yet another loaf of banana bread your perfect way to unwind, there is no right or wrong way. Hopefully you’ll find a bit of inspiration within this blog, as well as finding some escapism from the chaos.

So, keep your eyes peeled and join us every Monday for the new Keep Cardiff Live Blog!

Don’t forget to let us know if there are any topics or areas you’d like to see in the posts, as we’ll keep it varied weekly.