New Music - Ragsy

This is the second offering from Ragsy’s eagerly awaited forthcoming album ‘One More For The

Road' Volume 1 which was recorded at Northhouse studios, co-produced with friend and

producer Chris Peet and features the artwork of Ragsy’s partner Hannah Day.

Ragsy, whose debut single off the album ‘The First Time’ made the Wales A-List, said : “The

album itself has been a long time coming, with a delay in its release in early 2020 due to the

effects that the COVID-19 pandemic continue to have on the world, as well as the music industry.

“The second single ‘Under Clear Skies’ has been described as an upbeat, vibrant, soulful song full

of passion and driven by telling a story of the distance that being in a loving relationship can

sometimes bring. Followed by that yearning and deep routed desire we experience along that

journey, we go on in the hope of reuniting with that special person ‘The One’.

“Whether it be the distance that comes from having to work away, or having to make that difficult

choice to look after a family member as we have heard happening so often as we live in these

trying times that the COVID-19 global pandemic has brought, or in this instance is 200 miles

away and traveling through treacherous weather to get back to the woman I love. Again I feel this

is another song I’m sure we can all draw similarities to.”

The album ‘One More For The Road’ features the single ‘The First Time’ which has had

an overwhelming public response so far. It has been play-listed on many radio stations worldwide,

as well as being selected for the exclusive BBC Radio Wales Welsh A-List.

This first single off the album has been described as:

● Wynne Evans - BBC Radio Wales “A Belter of a song and an anthem”.

● Ben Dain-Smith - Bro Radio “The single begins with immediate heft, as distorted and reversed

sound makes way to a driving acoustic guitar track, swirling synths and Fleetwood Mac, "Big Love"

style, grunts, before layered harmonies take you into Ragsy's warm, somehow

familiar-on-first-listen, vocal ”.

● Steve Kenward - Welsh Connections “The punchy, spacious production by Chris Peet evokes the

emotional intensity of Echo and the Bunnymen and The Smiths. This clean, driving arrangement is

contrasted brilliantly with Ragsy’s soulful vocal – stretching and bending notes like Kelly Jones, but

with a distinct tone that is all his own”.

● Sadie Maude - Original Rock “The track has a tame, laid-back sound with the addition of Ragsy’s

swagger-filled vocals giving it that extra edge. The single has been taken from his forthcoming

album ‘One More For The Road’ and offers a great insight into the kind of vibe we can be

expecting. It builds hype all while not giving too much away!”

● Songwriters Magazine “If you’re a fan of classic songwriting with a rocky edge then the new single

from Ragsy is definitely for you. “The First Time” races along while looking back at the strength of

feelings which accompany a blossoming relationship”.

‘Under Clear Skies’ will be released on 16.04.2020 and available to stream and

download from all major online distribution sites. The Song also has an animated lyric

video to support its release.
