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Chloé Ferguson Feature

Chloé Ferguson is a 27-year-old singer from North Wales.

Music came into her life when she was four years old, influenced by pop music because of her father and brother, writing her first song when she was five years old.


Being home schooled by her mother, musical education didn't come into her life until she was 16, when she moved to Yorkshire, England to attend a music college, then she did her undergraduate education in pop music at the University of Chester and her master's in music production at the University of South Wales.

Speaking to Chloé we talked about what it was like studying pop music during her undergraduate degree "I didn't realise I liked music writing until I finished my undergraduate", so in 2018 she applied for an MA at the University of South Wales, for Chloé "because it helped me how to write and produce my own work".

Chloé’s music is on Spotify, YouTube and Facebook, and her music was played in 2017 on BBC Radio's HEREFORD & WORCESTER channel, "a weird feeling, probably getting to die in peace" - referring laughingly, because "when you're a kid a lot of people tell you to carry on but inside you never expect to be on that kind of channel or radio".


We talked about the pandemic that we are going through now as we know that over 60% of small and medium sized artists have been left without venues because of the closure of restaurants and bars,  "people in this environment are all bankrupt because of the pandemic".

The pandemic affected her when she came back to North Wales about a year ago and was in a band, they were playing in London, even though it was complicated the band for two months were doing gigs all over the country - Bristol, London, Swansea, but when the pandemic hit in February the band was forced to split up but hoping that when the pandemic was over they could gig again, so until then Chloe has dedicated herself to her solo career.

Chloe considers her style of music Indie, more alternative, Chloe states "Honestly I want to be known as Indie Pop".

Talking about future projects Chloé is thinking of doing a PHD with researching the connection between music and memory, but Chloe right now is working on a project with a member of her band, it is still in progress, and is Indie Pop related.

Chloe is hoping that at the end of the pandemic she will return to Cardiff and reunite with her band and continue to play gigs.

The last topic we spoke about was where she gets her imagination from to write lyrics for her songs, Chloé says "I think most of the time it's from my own experiences, but a lot of the time it's from people I know, sometimes having coffee with family or friends, and when I write I go back to the past and write my own lyrics, but usually it's from my own experiences".

Chloé explains that her imagination when writing is made up of connections between personal stories and those of people she knows, stating that "sometimes I can only talk to people through the lyrics I write".

Francisco Diońisio

Chloé Ferguson