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Nick Heyward

Review - Haircut 100 - Tramshed Cardiff

Copyright TC Photography

Having imploded 40 years ago at the height of their popularity Haircut 100’s sad demise following numerous hit singles and a stunning debut album Pelican West was one as bizarre as it was sad.

The reasons have been discussed and is pretty well documented over time by all parties but must have rankled somewhat after Heyward’s resurgence as a solo artist a year later with some degree of success and critically acclaimed work.

It’s not that the rest of the band disappeared into the ether. Bassist Les Nemes had a stint with the ever youthful Rick Astley, guitarist Graham Jones had brief flirt with pop stardom with the massively underrated Boys Wonder whilst, most impressive of all, drummer Blair Cunningham hit the skins for some notable artists like Paul McCartney and The Pretenders, to name but two.

The catalyst for this reunion was the anniversary of Pelican West and its reissue last year leading to two celebratory gig’s early this year, the success of which led to this full blown tour, the first since 1982.

So it was no surprise to see a full and enthusiastic audience pack into the Tramshed to witness the band’s long overdue return to the Capital and maybe recall a little bit of their youth as their recently reformed heroes blasted out tune after tune with their brand of funk-infused pop.

Sadly missing Blair Cunningham due to illness an able deputy was found with Faithless drummer Andy Treacy providing the powerful back-beat to Heyward’s quirky tunes and hit followed hit with Pelican West songs a big feature in a punchy, fast-paced set.

Obviously Fantastic Day, Love Plus One and Favourite Shirt got the biggest cheers and still sound as fresh as the day they were recorded but surprisingly two new songs were included, both of which, but especially Songbird sounded fresh and new but given the full Haircut 100 band treatment.

With Heyward announcing that there are more songs in the pipeline and a new album around the corner, the band seem happy and reconciled and a real unit moving forward making light of their 40 years in the pop wilderness.

Letting rip to finish with 12 inch mash-up of Favourite Shirt, the band left to rapturous applause with the band looking somewhat touched by the mighty Cardiff welcome. And boys, it was very much deserved.

Tony Woolway

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