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Christmas Comes to Cardiff

If there were any questions over whether Christmas had begun in Cardiff, they’ve been answered now. 

Winter Wonderland has arrived in the ‘Diff. meaning Christmas mode has been fully activated and the festivities can begin! 

I don’t know about anyone else, but I find the annual arrival of the Christmas markets and Winter Wonderland one of the true green lights, signalling that Christmas can begin. The lights, snow machines, big wheel, festive treats, to name a few, create a festive atmosphere that lights up the city centre. 

Due to barely being able to contain our glee over the Christmassy arrival, we headed down swiftly and promptly to the grounds outside City Hall mid-November, to see what was going on this year.

After buying a hot chocolate for what seemed a small fortune, we took in the sights of lights and laughter, as Winter Wonderland provides such a joy to many, young or old.

Braving a fear of heights, we went around the big wheel, which provided a rare glimpse of the city from above. I found something quite magical about being able to oversee the going-on of Cardiff, all lit up and the hustle and bustle about town. After entertaining ourselves with, we did what most people do at these events, decided to waste a bunch of money at ill-fated fairground games.

Now I may have thought we’d have been totally useless, but we came annoyingly close to winning on several occasions. I don’t know what it is about these games, but they fill you with a sudden desire to win a giant stuffed toy, which any other time of the year would seem the most gigantic pile of rubbish not worth spending money on. My heart was set on a gigantic penguin (again, for reasons I cannot even fathom), but alas, it was not meant to be- which is probably for the best.

My face lit up when I started to see snow fall, only for my illusions to be shattered when I realised it was a fake snow machine producing little drops of icy foam over our heads. Still, in-keeping with the Christmas magic, it did just the job and still provided me with excitement. 

After another walkabout, a gander of the rides, a listen to the music and some obligatory photos, we headed back to reality. I have to say I do regret not booking the ice-bar, a new addition to the Winter Wonderland this year, although a hot chocolate quite sufficed.

Our reasoning for not going on the skating rink was a little self-explanatory for anyone who’s ever seen me try to skate- spoiler alert, it doesn’t usually end well. So even though we may not have done everything the attraction had to offer, we certainly ticked all our desired boxes.

Cardiff’s Winter Wonderland is a must for those wanting to get their festive cheer on and escape the mundane for a few hours. You can be in your own Christmassy bubble for an evening, and it’ll surely put a smile on your face.

Words by Gabi Page