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Which weird and wonderful day is up next… ah! Happy Uncle and Aunt Day! (Yes, really)

It’s safe to say that there’s a fair few weird and wonderful holidays that are spread out across the calendar year, and I’m not talking your average Christmas or Easter.

Here at KCL, we like to look at the more unusual ‘unofficial’ holidays that people may not necessarily know about, educating you, if you will, about things you may not know about. 

So, following this fashion, today we wish you a happy uncle and aunt day! 


Perhaps often overlooked, uncles and aunts can take on an important role. From providing support, influence, guidance and fun, they can help shape who we are.

Now, not all of us have uncles or aunts with whom we have contact with, or any in the first place, but for some they play an integral role in our lives.  

Aunts and Uncles are similar to parents, except without most of the rules and regulations. Whether it’s getting spoilt with attention, showered with gifts that your parents refused to get you or providing some much-needed advice that you can’t seem to approach with mum or dad, they can be a huge part of a much-needed support system. 

But it’s not just those with whom you share DNA with that can be regarded as uncles and aunts.


In Western cultures, these terms are typically reserved for the close family members who are related by marriage or genetics, but many other cultures contrast this ‘norm’. Africa, Asia and Middle East cultures especially use the terms to refer to anyone from the generation of one’s parent, and that has followed, in a way, to Western cultures as of late.

For example, close or old friends of parents are often sweetly referred to as ‘aunty’ or ‘uncle’, especially if they are Godparents. Having that support network of people who are close to you but not necessarily related can be invaluable. Speaking personally, I would be a little lost without the support, advice and adventures I’ve been fortunate enough to experience with my Godparents.

My Godmother, who I refer to as an ‘aunty’, is essentially my second mother. Someone I know I can always turn to when it may not feel quite right talking to my mum about or I can go and experience new and exciting things with (including some questionable delicacies on our travels). This isn’t to say I don’t talk to or get on with my own mother at all, it’s simply been incredibly beneficial to me to have someone to go to when I may need advice on delicate topics, or just knowing there’s a place and person I can go to when I need space and support. 

It can be so important to have these people in our lives, and I feel extremely grateful that I have that, as I know not everyone is lucky enough. So, for those who are, try and not take them for granted, and take a minute this uncle and aunt day to let those people know how important they are to you, or simply have a perhaps overdue catch-up.

Family doesn’t always have to be down to genes and DNA. Often those we chose to be part of our families serve the greatest purpose and are the ones you value most. 

Did You Know…

…that "say uncle" is a phrase popularly used in the United States and Canada and is usually used to concede defeat in a game or match?


A doppelgänger or two...

Ever had to do a double take because you suspected you saw your favourite artist? Or even someone you may be associated with personally? Well, there’s a whole day dedicated to this. 

Look Alike Day falls on April 20th, and if you’ve ever been told you look similar to someone else, then it’s a day for you! 

People have been known to celebrate in weird and wacky ways. From spending the day with the person, they look like, dressing identically and copying each other’s mannerisms, or changing social media profile pictures with their doppelgängers, it’s an excuse to embrace your silliness and have a light-hearted laugh. 

It’s said that there are at least 7 people in the world who look like you, with chances being that there are loads more, so there’s a fair chance you may have come across a recognisable face along the way. Obviously identical twins know all too well what it’s like to be seeing double, but you don’t have to share genetics to share recognisable features.

Collecting celebrity doppelgangers has even become a hobby for some, with the ‘Same de la Same’ Instagram community committed to sharing celebrity look-alike photos with the world. Warning- you can end up going down a social media rabbit hole, once you see one intrigue sparks you to look more.  

Let’s see if you can be fooled by a doppelganger or two. Check out these faces to see if any seem familiar to you…

So, on Tuesday 20th, keep your eye out for any lookalikes that may leave you second guessing, and celebrate your likeness to another, tis’ the day for it after all!


Angelina Jolie

Ed Sheeran


Will Smith

Simple Easter Recipes

Easter Weekend may have just been and gone, but for many of us there’s another couple of weeks of Easter holiday left to make the most of and enjoy. Why not keep the Easter theme going with a few simple recipes you can whip up at home? Or perhaps some fun snacks to bring along to your next group picnic? 

A classic- Easter nests

A favoured treat this time of year, you can’t go wrong with a simple yet effective chocolate Easter nest. The important question is, of course, Cornflakes or Rice Krispies?



-  225g/8oz plain chocolate (or preferred kind), broken into squares

- 2 tbsp golden syrup

- 50g/2oz butter

- 75g/2 3/4oz cornflakes, or 100g Rice Krispies 

- Mini eggs to decorate 



1.     Line a 12-hole cupcake tin with paper cakes

2.     Melt the chocolate in the microwaves on 30-second bursts or in a heat-proof bowl over a pan of simmering hot water, making sure the base of the bowl doesn’t touch the water

3.     Add the butter and golden syrup until all melted, and stir until smooth

4.     Once all melted and combined, gently stir in the cornflakes or Rice Krispies until all of the cereal is covered in the chocolate mixture

5.     Divide the mixture between the cupcake cakes evenly and decorate with 3 mini eggs (or however many you fancy!)

6.     Chill in the fridge for at least 1 hour until set, then enjoy!

Simple snacks for all

Here’s some super simple snacks which even the clueless in the kitchen can prepare! 


Crisp carrots

Really, you can use any orange-flavoured snack to fill your bags, so don’t feel you have to use what’s written below!



- Cheesy crisps, such as Wotsits

- Green ribbon

- Clear cone-shaped bags



1.     Fill your bag with your crisps

2.     Tie it up at the top with the ribbon

3.     See, simple!


Jelly eggs

A time-saving sweet treat that you’ll feel proud you made yourself.




- 12 jelly cubes/1 pack of your preferred flavour

- Handful of chopped up fruit, e.g., raspberries or strawberries

- ½ pint (285ml) boiling water

- ½ pint (285ml) cold water

- Egg-shaped jelly moulds



1.     Line the jelly moulds with a little of your chosen fruit

2.     Mix your jelly cubes in a jug with the boiling water until dissolved

3.     Add the cold water and stir again

4.     Pour the jelly mixture into the silicone moulds over the fruit, then leave to set in the fridge 



Cheesecake-stuffed eggs

A decadent treat that’ll make your Easter eggs a little more exciting than normal!



- 4x ½ a 72g hollow chocolate Easter Egg

- 60g Digestive biscuits, crushed

- 45g melted unsalted butter

- 250g full fat mascarpone cheese

- 120g double cream

- 80g icing sugar

- 1tsp vanilla extract

- 100g mini eggs, crushed



1.     Mix the crushed digestive biscuits with the melted butter, then tip onto a lined baking tray and leave to chill for 15 minutes

2.     Beat the mascarpone, vanilla extract and icing sugar until nice and smooth

3.     Pour in the double cream into the mixture, and mix until fully combined, then set to one side. The mixture should be nice and thick in order to set properly

4.     Remove the chilled biscuit from the fridge, then crush into smaller crumbs

5.     Ass a tbsp of the biscuit mixture to each Easter eggs half

6.     Top the biscuit in the eggs with the cheesecake mixture and sprinkle with the crushed mini eggs as desired

7.     Allow the cheesecake filled eggs to set in the fridge for an hour at least, then tuck in!

(these are best served as made but can be kept for up to 3 days in the fridge)


One for the adults- Mini Egg martini

A bit of a sweet twist on a classic cocktail, this tipple will satisfy chocolate cravings and moments of thirst alike. Who says Easter treats have to just be for kids??





- 25g Mini Eggs, can work with any type of mini chocolate egg as desired

- 1 tsp honey

- 25ml Crème de Cacao chocolate liqueur

- 25ml Baileys

- 50ml vodka

- Ice



1.     Crush the mini eggs either by putting them in a plastic bag and bashing them with a rolling pin or using a pestle and mortar. 

2.     Brush the rim of the martini glass with a little of the honey, then dip the glass into the crushed mini eggs so that they stick on. Then pop the glass in the fridge to set.

3.     Pour the Crème de Cacao, Baileys and vodka into a cocktail’s shaker with a handful of ice, shaking it until the outside of the shaker feels cold.

4.     Strain the cocktail concoction into your cold glass and serve.


We hope this blog post has given you some egg-cellent ideas so you can get cracking on with some simple yet effective Easter treats. If you end up making any of them, share them on your social media account and tag us: @_keepcardifflive, we’d love to see your creations!